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Getting Started: Setup Your Studio
Getting Started: Setup Your Studio

Adding your business details and setting studio preferences

Anthony Iavarone avatar
Written by Anthony Iavarone
Updated over a week ago

The best place to start anything is at the beginning. For studios new to Blueprint, prioritize getting the following completed before moving on:

  1. Create a new Stripe account - link Stripe to your bank account to get paid.

  2. Add your business details - as in Studio Name, Address, Main Contact, Website, etc.

  3. Invite your team - creating user accounts in Blueprint is quick, easy, and totally free.

  4. Connect lab services - request access to any partner lab's fulfillment services.

  5. Provide a Copyright Release - to have auto-included with any digital file orders.


Create a new Stripe account

πŸ“ Note: You cannot use an existing Stripe account with Blueprint.

After login, notice this prompt on the homepage asking you to create an account.

Click create account to open a web-form and provide all requested information.

❗ A Stripe account is required before the studio can access The Shop.

Add your business details

You'll need to add in basic information about your business into Blueprint at some point. In Preferences, you can add or update information like:

  • Studio Name

  • Studio Address

  • Studio Website

  • Studio Main Contact

  • and more!

These details are referenced throughout the platform, so be sure to keep them updated.

πŸ“’ We strongly recommend referencing learning more on this topic. The meaning and behaviors of some of these fields may be unclear.

Invite your team

There are no costs associated with user accounts, so we encourage inviting everyone to unlock benefits like:

  • Control access levels to Blueprint features and data.

  • Provide clearer understanding of user actions in application or workflow debugging.

πŸ“ Note: Blueprint does support shared accounts by allowing the same username to be logged into multiple devices at the same time.

Connect lab services

Send us a message to request your studio be connected to a Blueprint Partner Lab service. Once connected, studios can start a conversation with labs for catalog access.

Provide a copyright release

Send us a message (or email and attach a PDF copy of your generic copyright release to request it be included with any Blueprint-fulfilled digital files.

What's next?

Setup your shop

Setting up the shop for online ordering and proper fulfillment with partnered or vertical services is the next step.

Using the shop effectively requires a time commitment from the studio to properly apply as much detail and customization as possible. While it's possible to get up-and-running quickly, the shop provides more value to studios the more customized it is.

The next module will help with understanding and setting up these Blueprint sections:

  • Shopping Cart - customize your shop; manage discount codes and forms.

  • My Designs - your studio catalog; design templates, products and services to sell.

  • Prices Sheets - add templates, products, and services to sell from a mix of suppliers.

πŸ“’ These are the required "set pieces" to create a Job in Blueprint,

Looking ahead, the next high-level items to cross off the list are:

  1. Brand your shop - provide a more familiar experience for customers.

  2. Build the catalog - expand the range of products and services the studio offers.

  3. Create a price sheet - configure what can be ordered, offered and serviced online.

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