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Getting Started with Smart Sort (EXIF)
Anthony Iavarone avatar
Written by Anthony Iavarone
Updated over 9 months ago

How does the EXIF / Metadata workflow actually work?

This workflow is broken down into 3 pieces:

  • Export, print, and cut camera cards from Blueprint.

  • Run picture day using your camera and camera cards.

  • Upload and sort your images with Blueprint.

Before taking photos of the subject, the photographer must scan the data from the slate card with a supported Studio Version camera - variant models that support writing barcode scan data directly to images from the camera.

πŸ“’ Don't have a Studio Version camera but are interested in using Metadata?

Try Entagged by to use your existing cameras with this workflow!

After picture day, upload all of your images into the job's Unsorted Images group. Using the Smart Sort tool, you can sort your images to subjects by having Blueprint read the embedded online code of your subjects in the images metadata.

Using Smart Sort (EXIF)

Before Picture Day

Make sure your slate camera cards for picture day have some sort of barcode or QR code that has the subject's online code embedded in it. You'll need to either:

  • Use a camera supporting plug-n-play barcode scanning to write scan data to images.

  • Use attached hardware, like Entagged by Foolography, to write scan data to images.

Images need the subjects online code embedded in the User Comments or Copyright field:

After Picture Day

Take all images from the SD card and add them into a job's Unsorted Images group.

After adding images, select Smart Sort:

In the tool, you can add images, adjust the current sort order of images, or auto-sort images to subjects:

Select Autosort > EXIF > Sort to start the tool and assign images to subjects.

Blueprint will now process and sort all images to their respective subjects.

Select finish to exit the tool and sync to save your changes.

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