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What is a Background Set?
Anthony Iavarone avatar
Written by Anthony Iavarone
Updated over a year ago

Background sets are a collection of images used for ordering PNG poses. Multiple sets can be added to a price sheet to make it easier for the customer to find the right kind of background they want.

Creating a background set

Creating a category

Under My Designs, toggle to backgrounds and select or create a category:

📝 Consider using categories for:

  • Season

  • Sports

  • Standard (free)

  • Abstract

  • Premium

  • Location-specific


  • You'll need at least 1 category before you can create a background set.

  • Sync to save the category before creating new products or services.

Creating a background set

Inside a background category, select Add Background Set.

What details can I add?

Along with adding images, you can add the following information to a background set:


Set the default name to apply to the item when added to a price sheet. While it may be the default name, this attribute can always be changed on the price sheet.

📢 Attach custom names and prices to background sets to help distinguish them from one-another and upcharge on more popular or location-specific designs.


Set the default price of the product. While it may be the default price, this attribute can always be changed on the price sheet.

Default of $0 is acceptable.

What else should I know?

Does Blueprint support vertical and horizontal backgrounds?

Yes, but it's recommended to create separate background sets with identifiable names to help guide customers to find the right backgrounds for the right orientations.

Are there file limitations for backgrounds?

❗Please do not upload background files that:

  • contain special characters in the filename.

    • -, _, and space are permitted.

  • is not larger than 6000px on the longest side.

How are backgrounds applied?

After a background is selected for a pose, Blueprint will prepare the fulfilment image by:

  1. Centering the background to the ordered pose's image size.

  2. Flattening the ordered pose to the background.

  3. Scaling the flattened image to fit the ordered print size.

The lab order will include the flattened image cropped and ready to print.

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