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What are Order Options?
Drew Starr avatar
Written by Drew Starr
Updated over a week ago

Order Options lets studios offer services to alter the entire order before it's fulfilled. These options usually involve services like:

  • Boutique Packaging - upcharge for delightful, quality packaging.

  • Shipping Rates - perfect when shipping orders from the studio to the customer.

  • Acknowledgements - capture required answers to notices on refund policies, etc.

These My Service orders are completed by the studio outside of Blueprint. These items will be presented to customers for purchase right before they start checkout.

Creating a new order option

Creating a category

Under My Designs, toggle to Options β†’ Order Options, then select or create a category.

πŸ“ Consider using categories for:

  • Packaging

  • Shipping Rates

  • Acknowledgements


Order options do not support workflows for altering the images used for fulfillment.


  • You'll need at least 1 category before you can create an order option.

  • Sync to save the category before creating new products or services.

Creating an order option

Inside an order option category, select Add Option.

You can create two types of order options - a toggle or selection option:

  • Toggle - Yes/No checkbox for customers to opt-in for services.

  • Selection - For users to select different levels of a service.

What details can I add?

Blueprint supports 3 different option types:

  • Toggle

  • Selection

  • Text*

πŸ“ Note: The text option is only available for product options.

Whether you're creating image, order, or product options, the types remain the same.

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