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What is a Custom Form?
Anthony Iavarone avatar
Written by Anthony Iavarone
Updated over a year ago

A Custom Form enables the studio to collect additional information from the customer before checkout. The form data, up to 8 questions total, is stored with the order. It's referenceable on the receipt and on order exports, but you can also:

  • Collect unique subject information to assign pre-orders to subjects. *

  • Collect acknowledgements, releases or other custom information from customers.

❗Custom Forms are mission-critical for pre-order workflows in Blueprint.

πŸ“’ Not getting subject data? Create subjects from collected custom form data!

Creating a Custom Form

Under Shopping Cart, select Build a Custom Form β†’ New to create a new form.

Optimize for automation

Keep it simple to streamline pre-order assignment.

πŸ“ Consider the following

Blueprint will automatically assign pre-orders to subjects by matching submitted form data against uploaded subject data.

  • Not a 100% match? Blueprint will require a human to approve the assignment.

  • Collected new data? Have Blueprint merge, override, or ignore data.

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